Yue Zhou

Yue studies at the School of Innovation Design at the China Academy of Art. She enjoys exploring playful and rich expressions in her works, balancing the intersection of art, design, and technology, and enhancing their interactivity with audiences.
Device design, Participatory design, 2022  

Bana samping, 71 seconds long.

Emojis can be used on the wechat platform. Applet of WeChat

Step 1: Trace the fixed symbol of the given feature on Procreate before you draw.
Step 2: Draw your present image.
Step 3: Imagine the original image of yourself and draw it out one by one.
Step 4: The writer draws a series of images on the ipad. Step 5: Put it on the wall for display.

Yue created this set of images based on the description of human facial features in the history of human evolution and personal imagination. 

Monkey Park